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Designer Dog


Welcome to the Dorie's Stories {devotional} Blog!

I thought this month would be the perfect time to post this "designer dog" devotional story because it is our puppy's birthday month. He was actually born on my husband's birthday. My husband isn't interested in a double party with our dog.

So, I guess we are celebrating by commemorating his birth with a special devotional blog story in his honor.

From my book, Hope Looks Good on You!: a Comedian's Joy-inducing Daily Devotional for Women . . .

Chapter 11: Designer Dog

We bought a new puppy this summer. Keyword: bought. I did not post any pictures of him on any social media for weeks because I feared the criticism since he was not a rescue...unless you count “rescuing” him from a breeder and paying a hefty ransom.

My husband could not believe we would pay money for a dog. “Don’t you just find a box of puppies along the road?” he asked as an answer to my begging.

I made my case: he’s a “designer dog.” Half Maltese and half Yorkie...he’s a Morkie.

My husband succumbed, we brought him home and named him Jax — Jaxson actually. We paid so much for this designer dog, we should have named him Gucci...or Louie.

A few months later, we took him for his doggie surgery and the vet put an Elizabethan collar around his neck to keep him from his stitches. It would keep him from hurting himself.

He looked so confused by this “cone of shame” on his head.

What had he done to deserve this? He had a hard time eating or drinking because of this newfound obstacle and watching him try to go up the stairs was almost comical.

He had no idea why this was happening and that it was only temporary. He thought this cone was his new reality! He didn’t realize it wouldn’t be there forever and that this piece of plastic had a purpose and was actually good for him.

The Bible talks about everything working together for good in Romans 8:28,

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

Romans 8:28 NLT

There have been times that I have faced an obstacle and I have not seen the good in it. My perspective was definitely woe-is-me, but what is important to remember is that some obstacles are just temporary and they tend to serve a purpose we cannot yet see.

I don’t believe God causes the pain we are going through, but He will extract the good out of it and allow it to be used for a purpose in our lives.

He might allow cone-shaped obstacles to be there for a time to safeguard us even if we don’t understand why!

This obstacle is not our new’s temporary and we need to trust the One who ransomed us that there is a purpose to our pain and that He will walk through it with us.

“But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.”

Isaiah 43:1,2 NLT

Reflect & Journal

What obstacles have you faced in your life? Take a moment to write down the good that God wants to extract from them. If it helps, write the words, “God will find the good!” across them!

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I hope you enjoyed the devotional excerpt! Feel free to share it with someone you think would enjoy a devotional story involving non-rescued dogs and God extracting the good out of the temporary obstacles in our lives.

Here’s the link to share:

With hope & joy, Dorie Mclemore

P.s. next time, I’m planning to post another brand new devotional story I wrote for my next (currently unnamed) book! Make sure you are subscribed to get the notification in your inbox! P.p.s. If you want a copy of the full devotional book, Hope Looks Good on You!, use the button below!

P.p.s. I have had the incredible opportunity to connect with Kerrie Oles and Unlocked Ministries in a special way! Her ministry reaches out to women in prisons, halfway houses, and those in group homes who are survivors of domestic violence or sex trafficking to give them "Boxes of Hope." When I heard her story, I knew I needed to get involved. I gave her one of my devotional books and she felt they would make a great addition to their boxes of hope along with their Unlocked curriculum. If you would like to get involved by donating my devotional books to their ministry, please click on the box below:



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