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Welcome to the Dorie's Stories {devotional} Blog!!!

This week, I am releasing my newest devotional story that will be a chapter in my next (currently unnamed) book! I'm excited to begin working on it and to share it with you! I might even include some of the process of writing and self-publishing a book in future blog posts for those of you who have a book in you!

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Here it is, a new Dorie {devotional} story: LIONS ON LEASHES

We took our family to a theme park, one that somehow used to be a zoo and aquarium it is the unlikely home to lions, tigers, giraffes, sharks, and penguins.

As odd as that sounds, I was quite the advocate for the value of the season pass and should have earned commission for all the families I sold on the idea of getting one. I tend to do that...people think I work for a lot of different companies.

We were visiting the zoo side of things and came across the lions’ enclosure. I think I’m using the word “enclosure” loosely as I looked at the fencing...reminded me of the same material used to construct a baseball backstop. It could keep a baseball from hitting people in the face, but three lions?? I’m not so sure.

It should have also bothered me that the same management team who ran the theme park’s concessions were also providing oversight to these animal exhibits.

Every time we visit the park, I wish they would just give me a “Quality Control Manager” name badge at the entrance so I can just go into any one of the concession stands throughout the day and take over for a few minutes. I’m not even an organized person or have ever had management experience, but I feel strongly that I could improve the flow of burgers to people.

Nevertheless, my family went and saw the lions. They looked restless in their small space. My daughter was upset. I knew she was a vegetarian, but I didn’t realize that she felt so passionate about animal issues...besides the eating-them part.

I tried to help by striking up a conversation with the theme park’s animal representative who was dressed in fake safari gear. I asked her questions about the lions and where they had come from, how they interact with each other, if they liked to snack on park visitors...things like that.

Then, I asked her what I thought was a smart question, “do the lions have the opportunity to get out and play outside of this small space?” I was hoping her answer would help ease my daughter’s zoo animal convictions.

First, the rep started telling us that they get to play in the tiger enclosure “when the tigers aren’t in there.” I failed to ask an important follow-up where do they take the tigers? I was focused on lions.

She then proceeded to tell me that the lions do get more exercise — when they take the lions for walks around the park on leashes. After the park is closed, of course.

I was amazed. I thanked her for her time and expertise. Then, I ran over to my husband and daughter with my new lion information, excited to share what I had learned.

The second I mouthed the words, “they take the lions for walks on leashes,” my husband immediately responded,

“No, they do not.”

It suddenly sounded pretty ridiculous. The mental picture of a lion walker with three leashes on three lions, casually strolling past the ferris wheel didn’t exactly seem possible.

I’m surprised the rep had stopped there and didn’t just tell me that they take the lions on the roller coasters!

I guess I will never know if this particular theme park worker had just decided she was done providing real lion information to people and laughed her way home that day or if she truly believed these lions were taken out on leashes and was hoping to be a lion walker one day.

What I do know is that it’s best not to leash yourself to lions.

The Bible gives us some insight on life by comparing the enemy of our souls to a roaring lion.

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are. In His kindness God called you to share in His eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, He will restore, support, and strengthen you, and He will place you on a firm foundation.”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:8-10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Peter was speaking to the leaders in the church who were living in a time of persecution, possibly involving actual lions! His word of encouragement to these Gentile believers was to stay alert, watch out, and stand firm against their spiritual enemy, being strong in their faith.

I believe this pastoral advice applies to us today. When we are facing hardships, don’t give the enemy a chance to devour us by staying in a place of fear, doubt, and despair...leashing ourselves to these lions.

Be alert.

Stand firm.

Be strong in your faith.

Remember you aren’t alone in your suffering.

— And God will restore and strengthen you, putting you on a firm foundation.

FYI: Not allowing ourselves to be leashed to lions also avoids a lot of issues when all three lions want to go on the same ride and they can’t decide who gets to ride with who. It’s a problem.

Reflect & Journal:

Are you experiencing a hardship in your life? What lions have you allowed yourself to be leashed to? Reflect for a few moments and write out a statement like, “I might be experiencing _________, but I will not allow myself to be leashed to ________, _________, or ________ anymore. I will stand firm against the enemy and God will restore me!

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I hope you enjoyed the new devotional story! Feel free to share it with someone you think would enjoy a devotional story involving taking lions on walks on leashes...and maybe on roller coasters.

Here’s the link to share:

With hope & joy,

Dorie Mclemore

P.s. next week, I’m planning to post an excerpt from my devotional book, Hope Looks Good on You! A Comedian's Joy-inducing Daily Devotional for Women. Make sure you are subscribed to get the notification in your inbox!

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